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since 1.Nov.2007

Charity Work
Saturday, 03 September 2016

pomosh270820161Во текот на вчерашниот ден, Македонската православна црква, преку својата хуманитарна организација "Милосрдие", а во соработка со DHL, посети домови на настраданите во поплавите во с. Стајковци и подели средства за лична хигиена, средства за дезинфекција и чистење, перници, јоргани и вреќи за спиење. Акцијата ќе биде спроведена повторно. За потсетување, хуманитарната организација "Милосрдие" и претходно подели околу 1400 пакети детска храна, која беше доставена во ОУ "Свети Кирил и Методиј" во с. Стајковци.


Public gratitude
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Greater appreciation of Matej Pirnat - Škofijska Karitas Celje for donation of good and finical support during the winter period.
Public gratitude
Sunday, 01 January 2012
Public gratitude toward Lions Club Lc Alfa District 132 for aid that was given toward people of need that we provide assistance! We hope that our collaboration will continue
Thursday, 15 September 2011
asylumIn the reception center for Asylum started the classes of Language for children and adults who seek asylum in Macedonia And theRoma children who is in the centerstarted to go and have  Opportunity to learn to read and write and l learn about Hygiene they visit classes .
Thank You!
Sunday, 09 January 2011
I would like extend my gratitude toward Maggi 29 for all the aid that was sent in form of various products which it shows continuing humanitarian help espacaly form Gankarlo Rovati and Gigi
Request for Aid
Monday, 18 October 2010

With constant increased demand for food and shelter in R. Macedonia we are asking the international humanitarian community to provide helping hand in any from financial or by providing food, clothing that can be help to the one in need in R. Macedonia. If you need more information please do not hesitate to contact us on: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Saturday, 04 September 2010
paketiWe received help from Caritas ŠKOFIJSKA CELJE thanks of donation. And they visit us, for the next cooperation.
Die Johanniter
Friday, 26 March 2010
topHumanitarian Organization from Germany "Die Johanniter Unfal Hilfe Köln" was donated a medical aid equipment and other things for poor people.
Friday, 12 February 2010
jrsIn resent visit from Michael Shoepf JRS Director for Europe and his assistant Luigi Romano, which they had a chance to tour the Center for Asylum had various meetings with the Macedonian Archbishop Stefan as well as members of the Ministry for Social Work. In the visit Michael and Luigi had better understanding of the operation that we have in regards to the center for Asylum.
The Knights Templar of Jerusalem
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Templarsign 1The  Knights Templar of Jerusalem  accepted a new member to there organization which will encompass Humanitarian activates in R. Macedonia. OSMTH will support activates of the Church Humanitarian Organization.
Centre for paraplegics and handicaps
Friday, 13 November 2009
k-Center for paraplegics and handicaps 6With gratitude toward all the donation, the centre for paraplegics and handicaps located at the St. Gorgija – Ohrid, continues to provide services to all children in needs with different daily activates that develops there physical motor development.
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